Thursday, February 21, 2013

PRO’s and SESAC Helping the best bars in Orlando grow!

PRO’s and SESAC Helping the best bars in Orlando grow!

It’s a bold statement, but helping musicians with protection for their tunes will help our nightlife here in Orlando. If you have not thought about this yet, chances are someone will steal it in the future. In reviewing PROs, it may help a musician do more then just protect their music. It’s a path for your future. Something to get use to being a part of. There are groups, benefits, royalty collection systems and more. Becoming a promoter before this is complete is putting the cart before the horse.

First thing is to protect your music before you hand it out or solicit it to your favorite clubs or to record labels. In return we are helping Orlando grow with the industry.

What’s a PRO?
How do we know which PRO’s to pick?

It would be foolish for any performer to not register with a Performing Rights Organization, otherwise known as a PRO. Previous blog posts are outlining reviews on distribution for your music. Click here to learn more about distribution. After learning about distribution, you definitely want to protect it first? Which PRO is best? How many are there? Membership requirements and fees tend to vary, as long as you can show proof that your music has been published or performed it can be protected.

In understanding the basics there are 3 big royalty collectors out there. The 3 big PRO’s are ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC. They are well known in the industry for collecting your money and have different reputations. Each have their own competitive advantages. Be selective, it is impossible to belong to more then one at once. So choose wisely.

Some PRO’s such as BMI and ASCAP charge annual membership fees. They can vary in price for musicians and publishers. For example, SESAC has no fees at all, but they are very selective in who they accept. They go into a few screening processes and even have an interview to see if you’re accepted. It’s not just anybody they are looking for! Some believe their exclusivity is what sets them apart. SESAC also uses state of the art Pattern recognizing technology supplied by BDS to track performances on the radio.

There is a long list of comprehensive benefits for SESAC if they become the choice direction. Here is a link to more of their affiliates and discounts. 

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